
When Change is Needed

When routine becomes ritual. When the same produces no results, when cynicism overrides the positive and when negative feedback loops are all you encounter.

Have you ever done anything, perhaps stepping out of character, that breaks the daily mold, only to have that ‘thing’ become a source of inspiration and excitement. That is the change I’m talking about; unplanned, spontaneous, fresh.

Is it good to throw away what you know, to start from scratch, to take a new leap? Yes, when a new perspective is needed, when a new direction is needed, when change is needed.

1 comment:

Sam said...

I think that's called a learning experience --- so maybe not throw it all away, but keep in mind for the next time you're in the mood for change and learn from your "missed-takes". Stepping outside of the box can be a little scary, but remember you can always step back in whenever you want.

Good thought, Mr.Mansfield